New Pittsburgh Courier from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)


J. K. Wells, the superintendent of education of West Virginia schools, writes me from New York. Gee! was glad to hear from him, and I imagine you will want to hear the splendid news he sends from the big town. "Good and grand ole' W.

C. Handy is still on the mend. The Bard of Beale street is still America's greatest minstrel. He's living like an English country gentleman now. He's bought himself a beautiful, quiet dignified English villa out in the White Plains country, flanking Tuckahoe? in West Chester county, 16 miles from York.

his sight is a little more dim, he still wears his golden smile. He refused to sell his music company and intends to bequeath this to his family and his heirs. He's writing a new book. "Several of us from West Ve-ay are here attending the Annual Conference on Workers' Education. They are talking and planning in the Workers' Education group, AFL and CIO, political action for labor after the war.

They are out to give minorities and labor a little more common understanding and co-operativeness. "Bruce Hall, of Montgomery, W. and Supt. Earl C. Smith, president of W.

State Teachers' association, and Jordon, of W. Va. State college, are here too. Also John W. Davis.

The town's overrun with soldiers, sailors and WACs. The rising and coming Negro artist, Whitson, of Cleveland, fresh from the Solomon islands, is here too. He's done several war paintings, recognized by the Public Relations division of the Navy. "Paul Robeson at the Schubert, and 'Carmen Jones' at the Broadway, have 'em running. They are sold out months in advance!" I thank Wells for this nice outpour of news and I wish I were there to enjoy some of it.

Greetings From Clara Smoketown had as Its special visitor last week, Mrs. Clara wife of Lucky. She visited Edna Williams and her lovely mother, and showered me with red roses and tender greetings and her best wishes. Clara has always been a sweet friend and I cer- It used to be TABOO for girls to discuss this kind of help Many a girl has suffered from cramp-like pain and other due only to periodic functional causes simply because that was subject people didn't talk about. Nowadays, thousands of of CARDUI.

women tely on the 2-way help Started 8 days before the time and taken as directed, CARDUI should help relieve purely functional periodic pain. Used as a tonic, it often perks up appetite, increases the dow of gastric juices, thus aiding digestion and thereby helping to build the up time it's strength and resistance for most needed. CARDUI, may help worth you. A trial. 62- year says it's Can You Feel A Burning QUESTION In The Eyes of Friends better do this help, victim light.

yourself let right right about can't comfort. out of face pimples added acne itching, scratching Comforting of fingers you relief, Ointment. aid through torturing external burning, can't you see, will ointment soothes you plus dealer And get antisepsis, as the White directed. absolutely and money. your ment as you purchasing refund satisfied itch blessed and 25c size.

For important size times Use contains size chances. Ointand White in costs as much Demand Black Skin Soap the cleansing is only and White highly mild DIRECTIONS recommended. BLACK AND WHITE OINTMENT and SKIN SOAP HOPKINSVILLE of Ky.Miss jorie Mrs. Daniel Simmons, niece of Mr. Massie, William of Hoped son of and Mrs.

dine, of Knoxville, has Horace I pounced. The bride is a been popular Kentucky civic State and college an grade ployed Kentucky. the She Tennessee presently social school. thority In Kentucky 1 Mr. is Burdine, graduate" of of Br State college, is now Tense at the Dunbar High school emplo field, Ky.

Delta Sigma Theta Sorors Do Fine Job In Health Projects I'm happy to greet Billy Webster. He writes from California. and Mrs. Emanuel Harris and Tyree Phillips and his wife. He Says that he has met Roscoe and de Georgia Hamilton Perry, Mr.

adds that Thomas Allen, America's Arst transcontinental flyer, sends regards to Nunn, Ches', and all the boys. And by the way, Billy's brother, Sgt. Eddie, is home from Salina, with his wife, Louise, who was visiting him for two months. Louise is looking marvelously well. I was surprised to hear from moo friend, Randy Dixon, our ace newsman overseas, Saturday afternoon.

was broadcasting with the newsboys, and it certainly was a lift to hear his voice. He is making good, and said "Hello" to all his friends. Interesting News Received a nice letter from Mrs. Edward (Jessie) Bailey, in Cleveland. She says they are located very comfortably with Edward's aunt, Mrs.

Hattie Clark. She will return in a week or so on business. It looks as though they have definitely given up Pittsburgh. They are selling their home here. I understand that the Babies' Brigade has a new member in the name of Shirley Elizabeth Hopson.

She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Angus Hopson (Marie Makel), and was born Thursday at Shadyside hospital. Lillian Howell Norris was in town last week and wuz we glad to see her! She is living in Cleveland now and is working at the Kingsley Arter settlement. Her hubby, Herbert, was on a 14-day furlough, and they were here visiting with the Robert Jacksons.

Mr. and Mrs. Lisberger Blanks announce the marriage of their daughter, Marie C. Harris, to Sgt. Leo E.

Breedlove, on Friday, February 11, in Pittsburgh. I know Marie is a wonderful girl and sorry that didn't get to see her. I wish them happiness. WASHINGTON- to the sections general belief that indicate sororities that are purely serious social and organizations, reports from various of the country useful activity is being undertaken by sorors of Delta Sigma Theta chapters. Located in 150 major colleges and city commuities of the country, these chapters are sist their communities in needs and (Valley, for its Well Baby inaugurated the dental clinic carrying on projects selected to exrace relations, services to men in dation and recognition from the attention was to be given to the problems involving child welfare, Clinic (a project earning commen- periment at Institute, W.

Va. First the armed forces and full citizen- U. 8. Health Service); Beta Nu children at the school; later it ship rights and responsibilities. chapter of Gary, for its Mar spread to the the city, of Charleston, Tribute has been paid this month ternity Care Project (a three-year where during Arst year of opto three chapters which have institution).

Each of these proj- 43 children were helped. forded the most outstanding ex- ects provided a definite remedy for Last year 101 children were atamples of Delta child welfare proj- community a needs and represent the In tended. addition to dental Phi Sigma chapter of Insti- interest and effort many Delta care, supW. its Better Teeth women's organizations can and are plementary nutrition program was Clinic (a a three-year institution); giving their communities. instituted, with cod liver oil and Omicron Sigma chapter at Fort In 1937, the Phi Sigma chapter orange juice being furnished the children.

The Well Baby Clinic In Fort tainly was glad to see her. Valley, begun In 1942, catered to children from six months to three years of age. Twenty-Ave Orchids to Woodruff babies were brought in during the Orchids to Capt. Bob Woodruff! I certainly wish to be ber Arst was year, raised and to last 38. year the numamong the first to congratulate Bob on his job of captain.

The has Maternity since been project, taken begun in He certainly has my fondest hopes! His wife, Alice, told 1941, the hospital and is over showered being mainme of the much hoped-for promotion and I her tained now by hospital authorities. with my heartfelt felicitations. He's down Texas way and The sorority endowed the room, rehave an opportunity to come home soon. tings. decorated purchased it and the ftmay Now the Gary sorors have interested themselves in child care I'm happy to greet Billy Webster.

He writes from California. at Delany Center. A Letter From Good Ole' "Bish" Received a nice juicy letter from good ole' Capt. "Bish" McKinney. I see that he is in a far, far away war zone.

He sends greetings to Howard Hairston, Bill Nunn and many of his former friends at the Bish says that there aren't any women over where he's located. So you can inform his wife that there's nothing to worry about. GET AFTER RHEUMATIC PAIN With a Medicine that will PROVE Itself tf you want pain-relieving help, perhaps you can open your own way toward deliverance others have enjoyed. Make up your mind you're going to get busy and use something that gets to work quickly on pain. You want help you can feel and if you get it you'll be grateful.

So get C-2223, if you suffer from muscular aches and pains due to exercise or exposure (sometimes called rheumatic pain) or muscular lumbago. Don't be put off with ifs or buts. Don't just keep on complaining and boring your friends with your troubles. Caution: Use only as directed. First bottle purchase price of C-2223 refunded if not satisfied.

60c and $1.00 sizes. Be sure you ways ask for and get C-2223. "You Were Never Lovelier" Wear our Beautiful Hair Attachments PAGE BOYS $2.98 Plus at bair. Cluster of state Send Curl. color.

Putts, money. Braids, 4 Just I NEW YORK BEAUTY SUPPLY 502 W. 149th St. Suite 3, New York (31), N.Y. WRITE FOR FREE CATALOGUE 'WAS LOSING MY HAIR BY THE Until I Heard of Madame Hector To all those suffering softer, as this lovelier girl hair, did; Madame fighting Hector sends this can get longer, by the reasons unnatural The CAUSE of unnatural hair loss to checked, tight scalp that does not nourishment it needs.

As a result, the hair becomes dull breaks, falls out, and stope 1 after this with my twe-way plan for sure relief Immediately oiling and of action make Your hair will become youth. $1.00 $1.20 de, Seat 1. cast BASS NO OFFER you to your package of POMADO. When REFUND YOUR MONEY YOU ARE NOT arrives, use week ENTIRELY SATISFIED, Mme. W.

Hector, 1702 Fulton St. Brooklyn, N.Y, Above are shown three of the many projects sponsored by the Delta Sigma Theta sorority, which are bringing into play the best in Negro womanhood. Picture 1 shows Omicron Sigma chapter's Well Baby clinic at Fort Valley, Ga. An aide from Valley college A writes down the personal history of the baby, while mother smiles. The baby later be entered in the prizewinning 2: contest Beta for Nu Best chapter Babies.

at Gary, St. John's furnished hospital for this its room maternity Care project. that The room waS so successful the city took it over for operation. Picture 3: Phi Sigma chapter at Institute, W. inaugurated the Better Teeth clinic shown in operation.

It has served and youngsters both in Institute Charleston, and besides giving care for teeth has furnished supplementary diets which are ful in building health. Ban On Colored Army Nurses Continues To Go Unexplained WASHINGTON-(ANP)-In neither the war department nor explain to 8 reporter the reluctance the service to accept more Negro Occasion for this checkup was the announcement last Wednesday by the American Red Cross that the demands of the projected European invasion would require the recruitment of some 2,000 Army nurses by April 1. The Navy nurse corps, which has accepted no nurses at all, monthly will require 500 additional nurses in 1944. Explanation of Army policy was sought through the normal channels of the bureau of public relations, then through the offices of the Army nurse corps itself as well as the office of the surgeon general. The individual spoken to in each instance was alert and ready to refer reporters to someone else.

the absence of formal inquiry, the Army Nurse Corps is able to on the part of that branch of nurses than it has. Mrs. Mabel K. Staupers, secretary, National Association of Colored Graduate Nurses, has already affirmed that there is a large number of graduate nurses available who would gladly accept asignments in the corps if permitted to. In addition to this, she points out, it can be expected that even more Negro girls will become available as 8 result of the nurse training program that was undertaken a result of the Belton bill last year.

An informed source says that there are now approximately 202 Negro nurses in the Army. These are divided among some nine cations, 71 of them being at Fort Huachuca. Ask yourself these Questions when you buy a laxative Ques. What is the name of a ative that has been a popular respected favorite with tour generations? Ans. Black-Draught.

Is Black-Draught purely herbal? Ans. Yes, and you'll And it easy to take. Ques. Is Black-Draught satisfactory in action? Ans. Yes, it usually is, if you follow directions.

Black-Draught comes in powder RUN DOWN: MANY DOCTORS RECOMMEND THIS TONIC If You "Tire have low colds Vital and minor ills -due to lack Elements natural A V2 de -try taking -lasting Scott's sion daily the year around National vey shows many dotiors Scott's to belp build up resistance, back energy and stamina! Buy today -at all druggists! IT'S GOOD -TASTING Try SCOTT': EMULSION Great Year- To- SERVICEMEN'S EXCHANGE This column la sated to lonely serve who 8gt. Randolph King, who 1s called "Randy' by his friends, writes from Fort Sheridan, that some young ladies would make him very happy they would help chase away those no-letter blues. His address is: A.8.N. 33451491, 1672nd SH. Co.

Bldg. 534, Fort Sheridan, Ill. Sailing, sailing, over the deep blue sea is Sallor-Boy Lawrence Pierce 8 Comm. Galley 3, USNTS, Newport, R.I. He is 5 feet is fond of dancing, and likes all kinds of sports.

4e'll exchange photos you like. Here's another soldier from Illinois writing in for. mail. He 1s Cpl. Edward F.

Carter, 865 F. and B. Camp Ellis, Ill. Y'know, we'd feel lonesome ourselves 11 we didn't get letter (or more) every week from the lonesome Marines Cump Lejeune. Those boys sure seem to have plenty of spare time for letterwriting, so I know you folks who write them will certainly set back lots of mail.

Here is Pvt. Clyde W. Adams, Second Marine Amm. Montford Point, 0. Defense, New Point, N.C., who would like to exchange cheerful correspondence with any feminine package of charm, and who wouldn't mind talking man's talk to interested males.

Pvt. James F. Thorpe, 780 M.P. Bn. Co.

Fort Devens, would like mail from men or women, young or old, just as long as the letters come. Well, He's well, well! Here's Pittsburgh boy. been in the Navy Although he sets some mall from his relatives, he wants other folks to write, too. Dickie Bizzle is his name, and he says that 80 many of his friends have gained lots of friends through this column that he wants us to do the same for him. So here goes, write him: 8.C.

Dickie Bizzle, Comm. Galley No. 4, USNTS, Newport, R.I. Way, there's down a South boy in the named land Bill, of down swamps in Shreveport, who would like to receive mail from all over the country. Write to Pvt.

William B. Harrison, Co. 183rd Ergr. Co. APO 403-A, Postmaster, Shreveport, La.

Listen to this boy's plea, folks! He's Just back from 19 months. Think of it: spent in the jungles of the Southwest Pacific islands, and seeing that his address is hospital, we can sure he received wounds in action. Now you know you shouldn't let veteran want mail and 0001 not set it! Bo why don't you write to PIc. Lewis Tucker, Battery General Hospital, Rome, Ga. We get the most interesting letters for this Exchange The latest 0.7e is from boy whose parents were born in the West Indies.

He read the letter we had in the column a week or 80 ago from the young man who wanted to correspond with people from the Bahamas, and although the Bahamas are not close to the West Indies, this boy, named Pyt. Constantine Hall, would like to hear from the Bahamas and the English-speaking islands of the West Indies. Private Hall is cager to learn more of his parents' country, and we don't blame him. Jamaica is a beautiful, lush Island, with interesting people, and all the charm of tropical 32985282. paradise.

A.8.T.U., Write 3537, to Private Hall, West Virginia State College, Institute, W. Va. To complete the list this week South is letter from boy who is in the Pawar sone. hails He's from $4, feet 8 inches He's tall, sad he Indianapolis. anxious to hear from the girls back home.

Why don't you write? His name, Bernard Lawrence, 803nd Eng. Co. Sep. APO. 959, Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif.

Arts Society Sponsors Sumner P.TA Program VV Texas Woman Leads Freedom's Day Choir HOUSTON, -Mrs. ST. LOUIS, B. Green, principal of the New Lincoln school in Richmond Heights, I and assistant former secretary Industrial of Arts the instruc- IAVES tor, was guest speaker at the monthly meeting of the Sumner sponsored by the Industrial Arts and Vocational Education 80- ciety of St. Louis.

Also on the program were Frank D. Young and Dr. A. C. Phillips.

Bilbrew, a member of the American Women's Volunteer league, rected the 200-voice choir in the National Freedom's Day celebration in Town Hall, Philadelphia, which was instigated by Major R. R. Wright, noted banker. Mrs. Bilbrew is a native Texan, and is the daughter of an outstanding Methodist minister.

One of her compositions, "Let's Go Americans" featured by the choir. WOMEN! PERIODIO PRESCRIPTION The FINEST female reguiator known for periodic Irregularities. Comply with the millions Federal Drug Act, De and used regularly by of women. with complete direction only $3 per Sent in plain wrapper. Don't DELAY.

shipped received. Order TOT. J. VER MEULEN, PO 1030 Arlington Grand Rapids 5, Mich. i ROLL OVER EASY to make wind HOT MUFFIN MD DINWHEEL goodies- -hot from the oven- are delicious made with Duff's.

For many tempting variations of Roll-overs, see dire tions on box. JUST ADD WATER -that's all! HOT MUFFIN ADD Hi, fellows, get on to the two-cereal idea! eating habits. terribly smart in our house about my time, and Gerber's They're Gerber's Cereal Food one Mother feeds me the next. It's a pleasant change for two-cereal that's idea! Strained Oatmeal mother about the I eat so well. Tell your why A specially tasty cereal made of whole wheat, farina and corn meal.

Gerber's Cereal Food is fortified with iron and vitamins of the complex. Mixes to creamy, smooth consistency. Ready to serve by simply adding hot or cold milk, CEREAL FOOD or formula. granulated form. Many say the or, is even easier to take.

25 to 40 doses cost only 25c. Caution, use only as directed. Get Black- and have from this your "friendly dealer laxative" handy the next time a laxis needed. made from finely A wheat-free cereal Enriched for extra STRAINED OATMEAL ground oatmeal. with vitamins nourishment Mixes to a creamy, of the complex.

hot or smooth consistency. Just add cold milk or formula. Send for FREE samples! Gerber Products Company, Fremont, Michigan DI Please send me free samples of Gerber's Strained Oatmeal and Gerber's Cereal Food. Baby Foods Address. Cereals Strained Foods Chopped Feeds City and.

New Pittsburgh Courier from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

Address: 55021 Usha Garden, North Larisa, DE 19209

Phone: +6812240846623

Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Rafting, LARPing, Gardening, Quilting, Rappelling

Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.